The quadrennial report of the International Eurasia Press Fund (IEPF), based in Azerbaijan, has been approved by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC) during the coordination and management meetings of the Council, which are being held from 16 – 18 April 2018 in the UN Headquarters in New York. 
The session considered 321 new applications for status by NGOs as well as 162 applications deferred from earlier sessions. The Committee also reviewed 412 quadrennial reports of NGOs in general or special consultative status, as well as 82 quadrennial reports from 69 organizations deferred from earlier sessions. 
The IEPF is the only international non-governmental organization in Azerbaijan, which is enjoying the general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC), since 2013. Umud Mirzayev is the President of the NGO before the United Nations.
The organization was established in 1992 with the logo “Peace at Home, Peace in the Country, Peace in the World” and with the long term goal to support global peace making and assist in dissemination of the objective firsthand information to the globe. Since the time of establishment, the IEPF has been sustaining the collaboration with the UN entities, international and locally-based organizations, and foreign diplomatic missions. Together with these organizations, the IEPF successfully realize different humanitarian projects and work on various initiatives aimed at community development and implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). 
Since 2005, the IEPF has started its cooperation with the UN ECOSOC and in 2007 it had received the Special Consultative status, which was reclassified to the General Consultative in 2013. This status may be granted to organizations that are concerned with most of the activities of the Council, that are making substantive and sustained contributions in many fields, with a considerable membership, and that are broadly representative of major segments of society in a large number of countries. These organizations are entitled to send official representatives to UN headquarters in New York, as well as to the UN offices in Geneva and Vienna, to deliver oral reports during the Council’s meetings, to send written reports and statements to ECOSOC, to organize side events during the official sessions and formal negotiations on the issues of particular interest to groups or organizations.
From the moment of receiving the status, IEPF enjoys all the privileges granted and actively participates in all the activities of the Council.
As for now, only 133 NGOs in the world enjoy this status.